It will not work without your help

Voluntaris – volunteer helpers

Engadin Radmarathon 2024
Bild: Dominik Täuber
Volunteers are the heart of every event. Without them, an event like the Engadin Cycling Marathon would not be possible in this form and quality. How important the volunteers are is also shown by the numerous feedbacks of the participants after the race, who thank them for the great work of the helpers. The appreciation for their commitment is enormous. Around 200 volunteers contribute with their commitment, good humor and friendly manner to the 1,500 cycling enthusiasts reaching the finish line healthy and happy.
Engadin Radmarathon 2024-Voluntari
Engadin Radmarathon 2024 - Il Prolog


Become a volunteer

If you would like to register as a volunteer for the Engadin Cycle Marathon and get a taste of the event, you will have to be patient. Registration will not open until spring 2025.